szajt m. (WZ PCz, c. Częstochowa, Poland)
The analysing more and more often propelled subject of innovativity of states, we come across on demonstrative on differences and similarity among approach hereinto the subject information. Despite recognized generally accepted for the tendency to development of innovativity, development this often - be maybe unconsciously he - be braked by different processes. The main determining the development of innovativity factor (and sometimes him inhibitory )is prepare the finance. The present work concerns first of all the sources and structure of finance at European states the innovation. The majority of contained information in work comes from database.
1. Introduction
It in post-war period, innovations and their connection with economic growth were begun was to attribute more and more larger part and to to bestow attention them more and more. In the explorers' approach coming from with European Union the notion of innovation it gathers different meaning somewhat. It is treated as achieving in production the success, the assimilation and exploitation of novelty in economic sphere and social simultaneously. In understanding this innovations should not only to be of use for industry there now simultaneously for society.
European countries are characterized by similar innovative activity and innovation-creating policy, which is confirmed by research carried out by national government agencies and international institutions. In spite of differences arising out of geographical, historical and social factors, general tendencies in the development of high technology industries and promotion of research and development (R&D) activities are similar.
2. Structure of financing of innovation
The innovative achievements of states depend from them as individual institutions not only ( the np. of firms of leaders investigation, universities) occur in isolation, but also therefrom as they interact as well as co-operate with social institutions the taking into account the immaterial values, norm whether the rule of law. Qualification of one universal National Innovation System (NIS) suitable for all states is rather impossible, because them the specific economies be dependent on both from geopolitical conditions how and the economic development, social and conditioning historical. Moreover economies these make up for NIS each time individual surroundings. The only main frameworks of working they be accepted as equal for all taken under attention states. It was it been possible was to affirm that the innovativity of economy depends from non-failure operation of individual institutions not only, but also from mutual co-operation among participants of system and the surroundings.
One from most important matter in analysis of development innovative of state is structure of financing B + R interesting are both sources of financing, size of sums intended on innovations, how also manner their of distribution for each sections. Similarly as in chance NIS situation is separate nearly for every system, whether states. One can only separate each group, which on one does own manner show character and level of development classified to given groups of state.
Source: Own study on the basis of, OECD, June 2006.
How easily to notice to states about highest participation of industry in financing B + R belong Germany, Sweden, Ireland, Finland and Belgium. Remaining states of European union in most finance activity connected with innovations from industrial section in on level 40 % 50 %, only Greece and Portugal attain nearing level to 30% and Hungary catch up systematically of principle group of states.
Comparing from oneself structure of national expenses on R&D - GERD of Poland and of Czech Republic as of new countries in European Union of, France as of country leading and of Spain as one from previously accepted we see certain differences.
Table 1- Source of finance of GERD
Industry |
Government |
Other national sources |
Abroad |
Poland |
26,9% |
65,2% |
2,7% |
5,2% |
Czech Rep. |
52,8% |
41,9% |
1,6% |
3,7% |
France |
50,8% |
39,0% |
1,8% |
8,4% |
Spain |
48,0% |
41,0% |
4,8% |
6,2% |
Source: OECD June, 2006.
Poland possesses insufficiently fully developed structures of financing of innovation by section of firms, through what burdens in excess budget of state.
3. Structure of expenditures on R&D activity in enterprises
Innovations more and more depend from effective interaction between base scientific and with section of business. In all chances, process innovative is characterized more and more often through feedbacks between base scientific and with other scenes of development of technology and of commercialization. In Poland greatest participation in executing of connected assignments from R&D have colleges, for of which gross of centres originates from budget.
Source: Science and Techniques 2004, Tabl. 1. 20.
Graph 2- The structure of expenditures on R&D activity in enterprises in 2004
Internal Outlays on R&D in Poland constantly, clearly grow. Sore spot are in this instance expense on permanent centres, of which level is relatively stood. Causes this constants growing old research equipment investigative, of which of degree of consumption according to given Central Statistical Office (GUS) for year 2005 oscillates in regions 78,5 %, reaching 87 % in units of Polish Academy of Sciences.
Graph 3- Outlays on R&D and GDP
Straight Line on graph is line of regress of figure:
y = -212, 916 + 0, 029269 * x
estimated for given from year 1998 relating outlays on R&D per capita in relation to GDP per capita in countries OECD. But fitting equalizations measured coefficient of determination R2 = 0, 67 is not convincing, value of variable standing parameter at independent variable is indeed different from zeroes. Countries being found above this of average line are characterized higher from with average OECD inclination to investing in this to sphere. Lying Countries below of line carry smaller expenses from waited. In spite of this, certain imperfection our system is irrefutable domination of budget - centres in financing activities R&D Waits oneself in futures greater participation of section of firms in financing activities innovative.
5. Summary
Above mentioned facts are the only relating information of be shaping on activity expenses R & D in Poland and different states. Them common composition permits on extraction several conclusions. The differences in the R&D sector development in the Central and Eastern Europe countries compared to the European Union are clearly seen if we look at them comprehensively, not only considering the share in GNP or employment, but also the value of the expenses on R&D.
If a state under consideration has a low GNP level, usually, despite all the institutional or organizational attempts, it is not able to equal other financially stronger countries. However, the long-term policy directed to innovations, in combination with economic growth allows for achieving measurable advantages translated into the life standard growth and causes positive feedbacks in economy.
GUS, Science and Techniques 2004, GUS, Warsaw 2006
GUS, Statistical Yearbook of Republic of Poland 2006, GUS, Warsaw 2006
OECD, Main Science and Technology Indicators, OECD, No.1, Paris 2006
OECD, Science and Technology Industry Outlook 2006, OECD, Paris 2006
Żółkiewski Z. [red.], Rachunek Satelitarny Nauki 1996-1997, Studia i Prace z Prac Zakładu Badań Statystyczno-Ekonomicznych, GUS, Warsaw 1999