Rolling-pressing unit Integrated INTO casting-extrusion
line for manufacturing long products from nonferrous metals and alloys
Dovzhenko N.N., Sidelnikov S.B., Dovzhenko I.N.
(State University of Non-ferrous Metals and Gold, Krasnoyarsk, Russia)
The results studies of integrated aluminum and aluminum alloys processing operations based on the methods of continuous casting, rolling and extrusion are presented. The efficiency of applied method for obtaining small cross-section extruded articles from non-ferrous metals and their alloys is demonstrated.
Application: equipment for manufacturing long small cross section products from nonferrous metals and alloys.
Description of specific parameters (Figure 1):
Manufacturing long products from molten nonferrous metals and alloys in the shape of:
- Rolled wire, winded into coils up to 100 kg;
- Measured length bars, diameter 15.0-30.0 mm;
- Continuous cross
section strips and profiles of measured length or customer required length
(cable producing enterprises), diameter 40 mm.
Figure 1- Diagrams showing rolling-extrusion process: 1- proportioning device; 2- crystallizer pan; 3 – straightening; 4 - device rolling-extrusion machine; 5 – refrigeration; 6 – shears; 7 - wire-winding machine
Modular units of the rolling-pressing assembly (Figure 2):
- standard electric motor;
- standard reduction gear;
- unified gear cage;
- unified combined prefabricated rolls;
- individually designed bed with standard bearings for rolls;
Figure 2- Kind device rolling-extrusion process
- individually designed pressing tool with the unified matrix design;
- individually designed stretching device with unified rolls and standard bearings;
- individually designed heating unit for billet preheating with the unified heating elements;
- individually designed cooling unit for cooling with the unified cooling elements;
- unified wire-winding machine.
Operating conditions:
- Processed metal temperature: 350-500 °C;
- Continuous three-shift operation mode;
- High dynamic and static loads on tool and during its preheating;
- Wide range of roll rotation speeds: 1-20 rev/min;
- Wide products variety, production in small and large quantities;
Unit specification
Rolls diameters:
- bottom 370 mm;
- protuberance 430 mm;
Rolls rotation speed 3-10 rev/min;
Billet dimensions 20x20 – 40x40 mm;
Hydraulic pressure 600 kN;
Electric drive capacity 50 kW;
Linear speed
- metal inlet 0,064 m/sec
- metal outlet 1,6 m/sec.
- aluminum alloys 7600 kg/h
The proposed rolling-pressing unit integrated in casting-extrusion line for manufacturing long products from nonferrous metals and alloys allows increasing productivity by 150 % as compared to classical lines, reducing capital investments and metal consumption for equipment twofold, production cost by 35 % and power consumption by 45 %.
The list intellectual property items:
1. Authorship certificate. №1692739 (USSR), 1990. The device for a wire and shaped profile manufacturing. Sidelnikov S.B., Kornilov V.N, et al. Published in “Bulletin of inventions”, 1990, №43.
2. The Patent of the Russian Federation №1785459, 1992. Dovzhenko N.N., Sidelnikov S.B., Zagirov N.N. The device for metal continuous pressing. Published in “Bulletin of inventions”, 1992, №48.
3. The Patent of the Russian Federation №1801040, 1993. Dovzhenko N.N., Alferov V.N., Sidelnikov S.B. et al. The Device for continuous direct extrusion. Published in “Bulletin of inventions”, 1993, №9.
4. The Patent of the Russian Federation №2100136, 1997. Sidelnikov S.B., Dovzhenko N.N., Eshkin A.V. Installation for continuous metal casting and pressing. Published in “Bulletin of inventions”, 1997, №36.
5. The Patent of the Russian Federation №2100113, 1997. Sidel'nikov S.B., Dovzhenko N.N., Eshkin A.V., Gilevich F.S. The device for continuous pipes pressing. Published in “Bulletin of inventions”, 1997, №36.
6. The Patent of the Russian Federation №2200644. The device for continuous casting and pressing of hollow profiles. Sidelnikov S.B., Dovzhenko N.N., Grishechkin A.I., Sidel'nikova E.S. Published in “Bulletin of inventions”, 2003, №8.
7. Computer program for INPRESS. Gavritenko V.V., Govorin D.V., Sidelnikov S.B., Dovzhenko N.N., Vasina G.I. Certificate of program official registration for computers issued by Russian Agency on Patents and Trade Marks № 2001610426.